Thursday, August 23, 2012

My sweet boy

Seriously, Manasseh is the sweetest little boy I know.  At least, most of the time.  He is 4 after all.  Also, he's an oldest child and well - let's just say I know a bit about oldest children.  Still, this boy is incredibly compassionate, extremely snuggly, and knows just the right words to make a person feel loved.  Yep.  His primary love language is words of affirmation, I'm pretty sure of it.  He frequently curls up in my lap and puts his arms around my neck to tell me things like, "Mommy, you're my favorite mama."  and "I want to ask you a question.  I love you so very much.  That's my question."  He is not seeking anything special - just showing his love.  And as a mama, I eat it up.

Sweet boy struck tonight and I had to tell him some sad news.  As we were going through the bed time routine, Manasseh climbed into my lap and said, "Mama, when I grow up into a man, I won't sleep in my little boy bed any more."  I nodded, "Where will you sleep then?"  I asked entirely curious about what he would tell me.... Manasseh answered, "In your bed, with you."

Ummm... I had to break his heart and tell him that he would not be sleeping in my bed when he is a man.  He was a little upset about that, so I left it at, "We can talk about that again when you're a little bit bigger, you might change your mind about that before you are a man."

Have you broken your sweet child's heart today?  What sweet things have your children said to you this week?


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