Monday, August 29, 2011

Heelys: Review

Post 13
(Final Post)

Heelys is throwing a Labor Day/Back-to-School special!! Between Sept 2-Sept 5, Buy one pair of Heelys, get the second pair for only $30!

I don't care if your boy is 3 or 33.. he'd love some Heelys!  At least, I'm pretty sure he would.  Heelys are shoes with removable wheels that can be inserted into the heel of the sole.  They are great for getting boys active, or giving active boys an outlet for their need to move!  I recently got to try a pair of adult sized Heelys for myself.
My happy feet
Let me tell you the truth about Heelys.  I have seen them before.  They're not new.  If I remember correctly, the original style had a button on the side that popped the wheels out so the user could skate with them.  I thought they were dumb.  (Don't tell my kids I used that word).  I thought Heelys were a dangerous waste of money, a ploy to get kids to buy a new pair of shoes.  I thought they were a nuisance to the public and should be, in general, avoided.

I am pregnant.  I have flat feet and when you add in pregnancy, I have FAT flat feet.  Tennis shoes are NOT comfortable.  During my last 2 pregnancies I have worn sandals for 90% of the time.  You know what I've discovered about Heelys?  Because they are a skater-style shoes, they are comfortable on fat, flat feet!  I have worn them on a couple of adventures, including a 2 hour trip to the zoo with my boys.
Not a recommended use!

1) Heelys are not overpriced.  When compared with other name brand shoes, they stack up nicely.  They make a great quality shoe that I believe will last me at least a couple of years.  
2) Heelys offer a great variety of styles.  I really wanted some cute purple shoes, but they weren't an option for me at this point.  They offer some "girly" options, and some that are much more boyish.  I chose a neutral shoe for my adventures and I think they're great with shorts or jeans.
3) Safety - Heelys are just as safe as any other skate when used correctly.  (Heelys does recommend that the wheel not be inserted into the shoe if you are pregnant).
4) Heelys are not a nuisance, but some people who wear them are.  Children should be given instructions about appropriate places to wear the wheels, wheels should be removed in crowded areas.
5) Newer construction - I like the removable wheel in the shoes.  It is easy to insert and to remove with the tool provided by Heelys.  


***Disclosure: I have received a product free for the purpose of this review.***


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