Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Learning Tree

It started out as a tree of blessing and thanksgiving.  I painted it on the wall with the intention of writing scriptures of thanks and encouragement on it.  I have been attaching leaves with names pf blessings to it.  We like the tree.

Now it is a learning tree as well.  Currently it bears apples with numbers 1-10 (we have up to 100).  It holds apples with each letters of the boy's names (although mysteriously A and S have become missing).  It holds the boy's papers from church and Awana.  We are going over these pages regularly, and the numbers.  Mama mixes up the letters in their names and they are learning to spell them in order, left to right.  Manasseh's speed has really improved at spelling his name, both with paper and out loud, over the last couple of weeks.  The learning tree is a GREAT thing in our house right now!

How do you promote education in your house?  Do you have special centers, workbooks, activities that you use?


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