Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lamenting, sorry for the whine

It is a beautiful, gorgeous day outside.  I want to be out with my boys - at the park - 4 houses away...

What's preventing me?  This nasty, hacky cough that I've had since Monday (so glad it waited until after the busy weekend).  It hurts my chest and throat, it makes it hard to breathe.  I'm exhausted from it.

There, enough whining.

We got a double jogging stroller last night through a local garage sale page... GREAT deal.  The fantastic thing about it is that it's perfect for the "brisk walk for 20 minutes after every meal" that my doctor wants me doing.  We took our first walk with the "big stroller" this morning.  It was perfect outside for walking!  The boys loved it!  I discovered that once around the center circle of our neighborhood takes about 20 minutes - perfect!

We will not be managing to get in our 3 walks a day, nap time comes immediately after lunch every day - it's non-negotiable - my boys are tired, and if we wait, they won't sleep.  I feel good about twice a day.  It'll help me get to some health goals that I need to work toward!


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