Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Daylight savings makes new opportunities

Do you know that  my daily routine stinks?
I mean it.  

On days I work, we get up, drive Mr. Crum to work, go to the church, go home, have lunch & naps, wake the boys up before they're ready.  Fight with them about getting socks & shoes on, then pick Mr. Crum up from work.

On days we stay home, we get up, usually by 7am.  Mama Crum spends the morning trying to catch up on house work, the boys are hungry by 10:30, so they have an early lunch and are down for nap by 11.  They usually wake up about the time Mr. Crum comes home from work.

Did you notice that there's not a lot of time scheduled for interaction with the boys?  I try to give them some fun activities while I clean - play doh, painting, bath play time.  I try to avoid videos (they don't ever watch TV anymore, only videos, it's easier to monitor when I'm doing things around the house).  I can't quite wrap my schedule around things the way I really want to.  


We just had a change in the clock and I am going to make a change in the schedule with it.  They might not even realize it if I push their lunches back to 11:30.  If I do that, it gives me an extra hour of time to spend with them.  I don't have a "schedule" in my mind yet, but I'll be working on it over the next week.  Refining it. Making a routine.

What about you?  How are you going to take advantage of the time change?  How do you schedule your day to make sure you spend quality time with your kids?


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