Saturday, December 11, 2010


Manasseh loves "helping"

I have a 2 year old an a 1 year old (almost).  I have 2 cats, 1 dog, and a husband.  My house is NEVER clean, at least, not up to my standards.  We are working on that though.  With the help of my sister's introduction to Motivated Mom's, and my toddler's love of helping, we are getting things together.

We decided a few months ago to start giving Manasseh some simple responsibilities.  To start with he was putting his shoes on the shelf at the end of the day, and his dirty clothes in the hamper.  He was meticulous about putting his shoes in exactly the right order, straight on the shelf, lined up... perfect.  Oi, definitely a perfectionist.

When we got our puppy, we decided that he should feed her once a day.  We have still not started that, but we will, soon, I'm sure. 

This week, in a desperate attempt to get Manasseh to stop whining about wanting to eat, I had him help set the table.  He ate this up.  For 2 days in a row now, Manasseh has helped set the table.  He loves walking back and forth between the kitchen and the dining room to get "more" from Mama, in order to set the table.  It keeps him busy while I make the final preparations for dinner, and helps me out!  I LOVE that he enjoys taking on this responsibility!


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