Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Silly Christmas Tradition

Thinking of Nonnie Christmases today.  What does that mean?  Pizza, cheese ball, Dumbo, a movie at the top of my stocking and a fruit at the bottom.  Playing all of our new games.  Trying on new clothes (trading clothes in the hotel room later to get the best fit/style for each of us).

Nana has a cheese ball ready to be made, but we're not having pizza for dinner.  We are having meatloaf and potatoes.  I don't miss the pizza tradition.  She's also got stockings put together.  I'm not sure what will be in them.  Nonnie always had a predictable variety: fruit, chap stick, movie, jewelry of some sort, candy, socks.  They were filled to the brim.  AND we had special stockings with our names knit into them just for us. 

In memory of Christmas with Nonnie, I meant to bring Dumbo to Nana and Poppy's house.. and I'm lamenting, because I forgot!  See, among all of the traditions related to Christmas there is the one that drove me crazy.. at least, by the time Travis came along and discovered Dumbo (as had the rest of us in our own times) I was tired of the movie and ready for something different on Christmas.  Today I wish we had Dumbo to watch with the kids as part of our silly Christmas tradition.