Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another Hope Activity

Candy Corn Hope

At dinner time we sat a jar of candy corn on the table, next to the wreath, where all the boys could see it.  As soon as we sat down to eat, Manasseh asked if he could have candy for dinner.  We asked the boys if they remembered what hope means.  Manasseh said, "when you go to the store and your mom says you can't have something and you hope you can have it later."  Okay, so he kind of got the point to the other exercise.  We talked about hope as having faith - believing that you will receive your promise.  

Randy asked the boys if they believed that mommy would tell them the truth and do good things for them.  Of course, they said yes.  I told them that after dinner they could all have some candy.  They said they believed me.  We shared that this meant they had hope that mommy was going to give them candy corn.

After dinner, the boys got candy as promised.  We talked about God's promises to us and the hope that we have because of Him.  We shared that we can trust God because he has good plans for us.

What have you done this week to share hope?


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