Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Imperfect Organization: Circle Time


Meet our learning robot!  This super cool poster was a steal at Christmas time for $1.59!  I bought it at Darlington Holiday Outlet in Fort Wayne.  

The Learning Robot has really simplified and helped me organize circle time in our home with my preschoolers.  Now we can easily sit on the floor in the dining room and go over the skills it presents to my boys!  

This tool offers letters, beginning sounds, shapes, colors, reading a clock, months, days of the week, and numbers 1-30!  The boys love it.  They have so much fun checking it out.  It is a fun game when someone tells them what letter or picture to look for.  It's even more fun when the boys get to be the teacher.  They don't even realize they're still learning to identify these items!

Behind the learning robot is our thankful tree.  Each leaf has something that we are thankful about written on it.  It also has apples and flowers with numbers on them that we use at different times for practicing counting and number identification.

How do you organize daily learning time with your family?


  1. what a great idea :-) My kids are all grown up and I was a young mom at the time but wish I had known more about learning time and organizing when I was raising them.

    I have my special needs child still and it's hard to teach him so I don't know that this would help him but I can see how it would be helpful to others.

  2. My boys love learning and anything they can put their hands on helps. This is great now that I've moved it to their level, they can are really enjoying it, and quickly catching on.
