Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Birthday

Little Lou's artistry for Crackers
 Crackers turned 1 on January 8.  It's so hard to believe it!  There was a lot of illness going around, and a nice snow storm up north.  Several people weren't able to make it to his party for various reasons.. we missed you, but well, he's 1, he didn't know the difference.  I thought we'd share some pictures with those that were unable to visit!
Crackers showing off his style.


Prince of the Party!

Crackers shows me his "1" while we sing

mmm, egg-free cupcakes

these are amazing!

Wow, just... wow

Crackers and Stinky fought over this cool new toy (now Crackers and Monkey fight for it)

Crackers and his best pal, who turns 1 this week

Oh they're going to be trouble

1 comment:

  1. Following through Bloggy Moms. I'm a new blogger!
