Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Life Lessons from my boys

If I knew all that my boys know:

I would take a break from cleaning and cooking, and curl myself into a hideout for some play time.
Monkey and Crackers hiding out

I would play in the bathtub until my feet turn in to raisins (instead of taking a nap).
Monkey foot

I would feel proud of my accomplishments, even when others see them as insignificant.
Monkey, "I did it"

I would make up new rules to old games instead of looking for something new to catch my attention.
Big Red teaches us his new version of Sorry Sliders

I would take more pictures of my parents (this was taken by our 14 year old former foster son).
My love and I

I would be better at sharing. 
Crackers shares with Dudley

I would trust in my own strength.
Monkey poses as Buzz Lightyear

I would love on my family (especially the elders) every chance I got.
Crackers with his great-great Aunt Polly

I would remember that I am always loved and never alone.
The kids at the club


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